abortion 303

Abramović, Marina 035

abstraction 087, 295, 361

abuse 281, 034; substance abuse 375; see also trauma

abjection 419

adaptation 261, 409

addiction 327, 345

advertising 153

aerobics see exercise

Africa 059, 129, 225, 235, 251; African-American see race

ageing 215, 221

AIDS crisis 343; see also HIV

alcohol 167; alcoholism 327

alteration 063, 411, 539

“Ambassadors, The” (painting) 225

American Dream 223; see also American mythology 163

ancestor 059, 325, 449

animality 177, 205, 291, 429; see also primality

animal representation 103, 177, 263, 389, 405, 431, 457

Antigone 213

anxiety 051, 061, 157, 247, 313, 403, 483

Arab 093, 231

archeology 413, 477

architecture 083, 217, 361, 395, 467; resonant frequencies in 115

archive 149, 271, 421, 441, 477, 541; archive.org 013, online 007, 009, 265

Arendt, Hannah 399, 541, 543

argument 489

art history 127, 197, 263

art making, high/low art 533; see also creative process

art market see market

author 481; authorship 053, 065

authority 011, 053, 103, 229, 357

automation 009, 253

audience see spectator

balance 183

ballet 085; see also dance

ballots see data

bank 489

Banquet Years, The 147

barbed wire 235

Baroness, The 555

Bartleby, The Scrivener 227

Bausch, Pina 057

beauty 145, 377, 441

behavior 029

Bernard of Claivaux 351

Beyoncé 191

birth 207, 279, 303

bisexuality 433; see also queer

biometrics 545

Black 037, 115, 157, 191, 241, 257, 387, 401, 507, 537; see also race

blackface 471; see also race

black holes 317

bliss 501; see also ecstasy

blood 091, 301, 341; see also menstruation

Brazil 103, 223, 257; African Brazilian 251; see also diaspora

boat 383, 427, 463

body 031, 045, 083, 101, 127, 177, 197, 221, 235, 243, 253, 301, 311, 313, 335, 353, 355, 361, 371, 421, 423, 469, 517, 519, 529, 537, 545; corporeality 109, female 005, 107, 159, 165, 169, 293, 451; mass 183, male 311; mind-body, subjection of 253, 519; perception, awareness of 177, 197, 317; in oral literature 319; as sculpture 169, 361; see also home, touch

body language 263, 363; see also language

Bohemian Club 429

bollard 069

books, bookmaking 481, 551; see also reading 401

borders 131, 155, 255, 295, 307, 405, 487; U.S.-Mexico border 131, 551

Borges, Jorge Luis 071

boundary stones 255; see also borders, Terminalia

Braucherei 243; see also folk magic, magic, protective spell

burial sites 421, 449

burning 207, 273, 321

bus 551

butoh 095, 165, 323, 387

camouflage 169, 431, 433

campus, college 143, 395, 441, 485, 495

capital 357

capitalism 089, 213, 245, 315, 323, 325, 343, 357, 429; see also consumption, profit

care 017, 121, 179, 247, 429; see also self care

cartography (also map-making) 251, 255, 357, 391

catharsis 027, 315, 329, 539

cats 263

Caucasian see race

Cavendish, Margaret 547

chance (also luck, aleatory process, serendipity) 015, 137, 465, 501

chicken 143, 491

censorship 139, 205; see also self censorship

chaos 075, 269, 311, 545

cheerleader 525

Chekhov, Anton 173

children also childhood 043, 085, 181, 231, 311, 349, 397, 449, 471

China 051

choreography 033, 065, 161, 225, 253, 263, 299, 361, 445

Christmas 471

Churchill, Caryl 065

Cistercian monks 351; Bernard of Claivaux

cities (also city, urban space) 015, 039, 083, 101, 257, 295, 297, 301, 309, 325, 331, 361, 437, 455, 465, 467, 495 urban planning 465, 467

citizenship 041, 195

cleaning see maintenance

cleaning lady 369

class struggle 211

class systems 381

climate change 017, 047, 129, 227, 267, 385

closeness 355

clothes (also garment) 171, 201, 245, 423, 441, 445, 479, 531; t-shirt 007; garment workers 493

cloud see data

Colby, Kate 283

colonialism, colonization 103, 159, 257, 325, 339, 437, 449, 495, 519; in America 357, 437

collective action 465

comedy see humor

commemoration 161, 393

commodity 385, 445, 493

communication 025, 111, 135, 137, 213, 247, 283, 301, 329, 343, 345, 445, 469, 487, 503, 517, 525; of trees 117; listening as 111; see also synchronicity

Communism 089

community 013, 115, 129, 246, 249, 349, 355, 397, 401

companionship 041

confession 513

confinement 077, 229

conformity 273, 417, 525

conservatism 301, 435

conspiracy 413

consumer goods 131

consumption 223, 245, 375, 385, 423, 511; see also food

control, losing 093

conversation 021, 045, 057, 147, 279, 507, 517

correspondence 137, 185, 419

costumes 003, 061, 143, 155, 165, 171, 343, 349, 357, 365, 411; see also clothes

corporatism 407

corpulence (also fatness) 293, 305

cowboy 163

creative process 417, 439; see also art making

Cross-cultural also culture clash 121, 151

CS gas 231

cult, of personality 035

Dada (art movement ) 147, 188, 555

Dali, Salvador 165

dance 029, 033, 043, 047, 057, 063, 085, 113,165, 185, 213, 225, 227, 229, 247, 289, 299, 323, 329, 331, 333, 387, 419, 507; butoh 165; cumbia 521

data 013, 335, 545; cloud storage 013, 477; collection (also ballots) 335

death 027, 049, 081,101, 207, 221, 237, 321, 393, 421, 449, 509, 415; life and death drives 127; see also loss

death metal 081

deconstruction 065, 409

dehumanization 237, 523

defacement 411

De Fontanelle, Bernard Le Bovier 547

Deleuze 043

democracy 161, 435, 465, 543

demonstration 149, 161, 329; see also protest

dialogue 021, 023, 211, 271, 299, 301, 343, 423, 507, 521

diaspora, African 251, post-911 diaspora 201; see also Brazil, Palestine 405

Dick, Philip K. 053

Diderot, Denis 547

diet 313

digital space 213, 225, 265, 467, 511; see also internet

direct experience 135

directions 129

dirt 099; see also earth, mud, sand

disability 041

discipline 359; see also rules

discourse 103, 259, 329, 339, 347, 465, 495

discrimination 237

displacement 225, 251, 367, 405, 427, 447

dissemination 013, 025

diva 343

divination 391

doctors 027, 297

documentation 009, 099, 103, 139, 245, 367, 485

domesticity 427, 179; house, household, home 019, 221, 235; domestic labor 369

dominance 291, 359

doppelgänger 109

drag (performance) 155, 299, 461, 517

dramaturgy 057

drawing 095, 461, 527

drug 085

duration (also durational work) 003, 009, 015,019, 049, 067, 077, 101, 107, 111, 125, 141, 168, 181, 203, 207, 255, 285, 295, 315, 317, 319, 367, 401, 425, 443, 447, 553, 557

Eagleton, Terry 211

ear piercing 497; see also piercing

earth 025, 063, 129, 159, 171,193, 267, 379, 429; see also dirt, ecology, metaphysics

ecology 067, 121, 455, 495; see also environmentalism, climate change

economy (also economics, economic) 039, 089, 343, 357, 385, 445, 467, 489

ecstasy 107; see also bliss

elitism 121, 381; see also class

embarrassment 011, 245; see also fool

emotion 027, 061, 307, 335, 375, 379, 417, 419, 467, 479, 501, 507, 513, 523; see also joy, ecstasy, embarrassment, bliss, feeling

empathy 185, 479, 505, 507

empowerment 183, 339

Enderby, Samuel 389

energy 025, 055, 105, 133, 193, 237, 261, 325; Energy Transfer Partners 457; energetic 085; energies 399

enlightenment 351, 547

environment, environmentalism 007, 031, 057, 069, 083, 103, 121, 129, 203, 247, 295, 339, 431, 457, 475, 477, 487; see also ecology, climate change

ethics 067, 265

Ethiopian-American culture 397; see also race, Africa

ethnography 033

experiment (also experimentalism, experimentation, experimentality) 021, 049, 057, 113, 129, 133, 137, 213, 233, 299, 329, 387, 443, 521, 539; Arab Experimentalism 093

exploitation 077, 197, 265, 421, 429, 477

exploration 021, 023, 041, 043, 071, 083, 089, 109, 113, 121, 143, 161, 167, 171, 173, 199, 201, 223, 225, 247, 261, 263, 267, 297, 323, 329, 331, 349, 355, 359, 361, 365, 373, 375, 385, 391, 409, 417, 423, 451, 453, 465, 477, 485, 501, 517, 553

excess 223, 371, 375, 429

exercise (also aerobics) 115, 157, 197, 329, 409, 465; exercise equipment 261

exertion 291

Extemporaneity 439, 473; see also creative process

Facebook 031, 057, 213, 301, 373

fakeness 381

failure 075, 145, 219, 303, 417

familiarity 187, 443, 485

family 007, 011, 031, 147, 327, 375

fascism 541

farm 015, 023

fatness see corpulence

favelas 257; see also Brazil

fear 307, 321, 491, 515

femicide 449, 557

femininity 451, 507, 523

feminism 161, 279, 281, 301, 541, 547; see also body

femme 201, 321, 343, 461

“Fête permanente” (artwork) 147

fetish 019, 079, 107, 385; commodity 385; see also kink aesthetics

fiction 113, 405, 419, 459, 489

Filliou, Robert 147

finality see endings

flag, American 101, 349

flesh see skin

flowers (as symbol) 127

Fluxus 155, 189, 269

FM radio 233, 309

folklore 431, 499

folk magic 243; see also magic

food 015, 051, 147, 175, 209, 313, 375

fool 011

freak show 079

freedom 235, 365, 387, 399, 487; and captivity 143; see also liberation

free speech (also freedom of expression) 051, 139, 489, 515

fugitivity 115

futurity 259, 261, 269, 411, 413; see also time

gait see walking

gallery 533

game 029, 079

garbage see trash

garden 015

gas-lighting 287

gaze 087, 151, 169, 213, 225, 353, 507

gender 031, 191, 305, 461, 515, 517; division 229; roles 303; male supremacy 503

gesture 037, 043, 063, 145, 169, 253, 341, 349, 397, 445

gentrification 397

glass casting 063

globalism 339, globalization 467

Golding, William 205

Google Hangout 373

GPS technology 255

gravitational waves 317

Gray, Freddie 101

grief 057, 073, 355, 401

guilt 313, 315, 537

Gulf of Mexico 457

gun 237

hair 179, 215, 433, 449, 533

hands 045, 219, 339

Harvey, David 083

haunting 477

healing 027, 241, 271, 311, 325, 531

health also wellness 313, 495; see also mental health

heart 379, 401, 425, 461

Heidegger, Martin 213

hierarchies, power, social 237, 429

Hindu cosmology 159

history 185, 357, 527; personal history 033, 279; queer 343; industrial 389; reenactment 103

Hitchcock, Alfred 109

HIV 343; see also AIDS crisis

hockey 311

Hogan, Larry 101

Holbein, Hans 225

home see domesticity

homosexuality 509; see also queer

house see domesticity

humanity 133, 537

humor 163, 365, 421; comedy 069, 121, 467; see also wordplay

Hydra (Greek mythology) 371

“I Am Sitting in A Room” (Alvin Lucier) 115

ice 181, 193, 229

identity 031, 175, 225, 423, 483, 501, 529; Muslim-American 201; national 187, 223; queer 109, 163

images, role of 197, 265

imagination 133, 381, 465

immigration 307, 369, 373, 397, 405; see also borders

improvisation 115, 123, 401

incident reports 137

income see economy

infertility 113

index 009

Indra (Hindu mythology) 193

industry 389, 445, 463, 477

insecurity 491

installation, site-specific 141; sound

institutions 119, 495; learning 395; see also museum

instrument 217, 351, 377, 535

interconnectivity 019, 247

interdisciplinary also transdisciplinarity

international relations, US-Brazil, 223

internet 195, 199, 213, 225, 239, 311, 373, 467; see also online

intervention 047; see also activism

interviews 279

intimacy 145, 215, 315, 419, 501

Islamophobia 201

isolation 247, 249; see also internet

Jonas, Joan 065

Jenner, Caitlyn 109

joy 021; see also emotion

justice 041, 115, 121, 435, 519

Kali (Hindu mythology) 159

Keller, Helen 113

Kempson, Sybil 065

killing 237; see also femicide, 041

kink aesthetics 107

knowledge 127, 185, 197, 213; reevaluation of 317

Kosugi, Takehisa 155

labor 071, 211, 217, 253, 277, 289, 345, 347, 369, 407, 445, 462, 477, 481, 493; emotional 523 also work 149, 157, 175, 179, 227, 329, 449, 553; for childbirth labor see birth

laboratory 021, 271, 379, 539

landmarks 129; see also memory

language 023, 029, 033, 053, 065, 071, 091, 125, 137, 155, 167, 181, 207, 267, 329, 337, 443, 047; body language 363; Japanese 043, 045; Mandarin-Chinese 443; see also wordplay

Latex 091

Latinx 041, 325

layers 373, 405

“Leda and the Swan” 193

lecture 033, 065, 087, 245, 265, 329, 419

letters (also correspondence) 155, 183

liberation 161, 449, 537; see also freedom

libido 365

library 071, 481, 521

limitation 311, 431; limitation of movement 177; limitation of spirit 077; see also resistance, border

listening see communication 041, 099, 241, 245, 245, 247, 269, 343, 541

live theater 213

locality 431

loneliness 039

longing 131, 165, 207, 425, 351; see also yearning

loss 355, 393, 447, 449, 499, of community 249; see also death, grief

Lord of the Flies 205

love 019, 173, 225, 237, 299, 325, 327, 379, 415, 461, 531; in the digital age 239; self-love 321; patriotic love 349; religious love 373, 399

“MacBeth” 053

magic 243, 321, 325

maintenance (also cleaning) 119, 243, 317, 323, 505, 517; see also cleaning lady

male authors 481; see also gender

“Malleus Maleficarum” (medieval anti-witch treatise) 321

Mandelstam, Osip 085

map-making see cartography

market, art market 035; market research 245

Marx, Karl 211

masculinity 031, 311, 503

masks 249

mediation techniques 345

meditation 055, 559

Melville, Herman 227

memory 101, 125, 151, 163, 165, 175, 241, 271, 415, 527; loss 265; see also trauma

menstruation 243, 245, 301

mental health (also mental illness) 113, 287

metamorphosis 091

Migone, Christof 167

migration 095, 279, 405, 427, 447; see also immigration, refugee

military industry 325

mind 027, 419, 483

minimalism 049, 151, 155, 361, 445, 469

mining 477

mirror 031, 317, 353, 359, 425, 467, 531

Moby Dick 227, 389

modern life 039, 239, 459, 549

monologue 099

monster 003, 327, 371, 431

moral absolution 315

mortality see death

multi-media performance 133, 151, 229

Murphy, Gardner 137

museum, interaction 023, 089, 217; see also institutions

music 275; band 123; trap 333; classical 521; electro-acoustic 115; see also dance

mythology 059, 193, 471

narcissism 109, 225; as survival 323

narrative 023, 071, 079, 093, 115, 137, 163, 225, 239, 329, 387, 393, 405, 413, 421, 431, 499, 519; personal 151, 163, 311, 327, 385; historical 053, 119, counter/anti-narrative 037, 063; cultural 365

nationalism 289, 339, 349, 543

nature 025, 213, 405; human 035, 083, 159, 165, 177, 399, 409, 527

network 103, 255, 449, 477

neural circuits 379

normativity also normal/normality/normalization 219, 359, 467, 517

“Nuit Debout” (movement) 195

nudity 221, 469, 517; naked 035, 079, 205, 241, 291, 433, 461, 469, 545

Obama, Barack 153 also Obama administration 223

objects 031, 043, 073, 079, 089, 103, 119, 163, 193, 215, 229, 233, 271, 273, 303, 393, 413, 431, 433, 533 appropriation of 125, personal belongings 181; see also consumer goods

obsolescence 089, 233

ocarina 217; see also instrument

office work 227, 407

oil 047, 457, 495; petroleum, pipelines 121, 449

online 009, 045, 313, 443, 487, 489; dating 199

ordinary life 009

oral 319

oration 205

Origins of Totalitarianism, The 543

oscillation 535

painting 045, 133, 143, 165, 193, 225, 263, 341, 461

pairings also pair, pairs 023, 053, 103, 327, 351, 451

Palestine 235, 405

participation, participatory work 017, 045, 049, 123, 131, 141, 147, 211, 227, 269, 307, 393, 397, 427, 465, 557; see also spectator

Pastrana, Julia (mezzo soprano) 421

pattern-making 043, 145, 169, 409, 483, 531, 545, 547

penetration 477, 497

performance art 025, 031, 049, 101, 103, 139, 161, 165, 167, 231, 273, 301, 313, 329, 335, 381, 383, 401, 427, 435, 469, 473, 483; conventions of 327

performance as research see research

petroleum see oil

photography 021, 133, 323; photo, picture, portrait 017, 045, 061, 069, 089, 141, 149, 225, 255, 349, 381, 393; self portrait 005, 007, 311; selfie (also social media, digital photography) 265; Polaroid 271, 283; technique 203; photojournalism 357

piercing 497

piñata 109

pipelines see oil

plants see trees

plastic see trash

play, Deep Play 043; see also game

poetry 049, 081, 085, 087, 113, 123, 181, 203, 269, 275, 279, 309, 319, 347, 365, 381, 439, 539, 541, 547; in found texts 203

Poland 435

police 053, 101, 195, 231, 475

polling 335

popular culture 045, 121, 239, 273, 365, 387, 521

pop music 113, 323, 521

pornography 199, 241, 537; internet porn 199

Port of Los Angeles 325

postmodernism 057

power 079, 127, 161, 195, 201, 223, 237, 253, 291, 357, 359, 429, 435, 487, 491; mis-use of power 053, 205

PowerPoint (also Keynote, presentation software) 047, 087

poverty 345

pregnancy 159, 417

prejudice 515

primality 205

printmaking 357, 411, 511

prison 179, 435, 449, 537

privacy 301, 419, 475; private space 009, 145, 147, 171, 179, 307, 507; private self

process 009, 049, 105; processual work/method 067, 087

profit 245, 385

progress, difficulty of 153

projection (video) 475

propaganda 357, 475

prostitution see sex work

protest (also demonstration) 149, 161, 195, 231, 229, 435, 475; see also repression

protective spell 243; see also folk magic, magic

protocol 227; see also rules

psycho geography 119

psychology 027; psychical experience 137; see also mind

publishing, print on demand 005

public space 037, 127, 157, 295, 331; see also context, identity self

public transport 295

puppet 039

pun see wordplay

Puleo, Alicia H. (scholar), 003

Pulse (nightclub) 041, 237; see also gun, killing, queer

purity 451

quantum mechanics 105; see also science

queer 041, 109, 155, 163, 237, 257, 289, 299, 323, 325, 343, 359, 387, 433, 461, 497, 509, 517, 541; queering as process 289; history 343; see also bisexuality

quotidian 241, 485

race 191, 193, 241, 279, 441, 507, 537; African American (also Black) 037, 115, 251; Caucasian (also white, whiteness) 209, 491, 537; white fragility 209; see also diaspora, racism

racism 345, 471, 507

radio 233, 309, 325; see also FM radio

radioactivity 105

randomness 105; see also chance

Rawlings-Blake Stephanie (former mayor of Baltimore) 101

reaction 027, 103, 141, 257, 267, 341, 475, 499, 503

reading 203, 319, 401; see also books

rebirth 462

reclamation 233

recursion 259, 283

recovery 291, 327

Red String of Fate 043

reenactment see re-performance

refugee 249, 447

regression, infinite 009

relationality 029

remembrance 269, 393, 415, 443, 499, 527

remote viewing 373

repression 231, 245, 491, 509

religious spaces 229

repatriation 421

re-performance also reenactment 103

repetition 077, 155, 341

research 343; research-creation 021; performance-as-research 263, 299, 347, 021, 023, 025, 071, 089, 149, 177, 185, 245, 319, 343, 347, 349, 351, 379, 539, 541

resistance 025, 153, 205, 351, 449, 551; see also protest, limitation

resonance 541

resurrection 449

rhetoric 489

rhythm 295

rhyzomatic 371

Richter, Gerhard 035

ridiculousness 555

ritual 037, 107, 133, 159, 179, 193, 243, 289, 321, 325; as tribute 189; see also magic

Rio Grande 457

rock band 075; see also death metal

role-playing 113, 191; inversion of roles 103

romance 461

rope 453, 513

rules 227, 273; see also discipline

safety 157, 181, 199, 495, 501, 505; see also sanctuary, security

salt 027, 049, 193, 207, 215, 291, 317

salvaged materials 141

samplista! 003

sanctuary 041, 043; see also safety, security

science fiction 161, 267

score 063, 093, 137, 155, 167, 189, 217, 269, 299, 309, 325, 449, 485, 535, 549

sculpture 041, 081, 101, 103, 143, 169, 181, 195, 203, 217, 229, 253, 277, 329, 361, 445, 481

“Seagull, The” 173

secrets 119, 513

security 041, 091, 163, 181, 363, 427, 491

security, national 339

self 029, 035, 043, 055, 083, 163, 205, 235, 291, 311, 331, 353, 401, 411, 461, 499, 501, 503; self care 121, 181; self censorship 139, 205; self love 321; self portrait 005, 411, 523; self expression 283, 379, 387; self defeat 291; self discovery 151, 399

self-destruction 553; self-cutting 091, harm 311

sense, deprivation of 171

serendipity see chance

sex 031, 109, 133, 155, 159, 509, 515, 523, 537, 541, 545

sexiness, as coping mechanism 157

sexualization 293

sex work 347

Shakespeare, William 053, 191

shadows 055, 061, 165, 517, 541

shame 031, 415, 461, 537

shared space 285

Shattuck, Roger 147

shock 027, 103, 491

shoes 085, 167, 269, 305, 391, 393, 441

simultaneity 367

sin 031, 315

site specific 115, 117, 141, 273, 285, 307, 389, 431, 511; site-responsive 067

skin 079, 083, 091, 109, 127, 203, 221, 231, 473, 505, 545; flesh 107, 127, 193, 291, 347, 517, 545

sky 045, 063, 101, 367; clouds 013, 477

Sleater-Kinney (band) 185

Smith, Patti 215

sobriety 325, 327

social media 011, 213; see also archive, internet

social etiquette 219, 273, 337

social conventions 445

solidarity 503

soil see earth, dirt

sorrow 507; see also emotion

soul 235

sound 007, 009, 117, 217, 233, 535; soundtrack 011; waves 249; sound art 275, 309

South (American South) 345

South Africa 205

Spears, Britney 057

spectator (also audience) 353, participation 131; as performer 407, 479; feedback 113

speech 081; see also lecture

sperm whale see whaling

spinning see spiralling

spiralling (also spinning) 101, 133

spirituality 399

sports 003, boxing 003

story-telling 129, 195, 459

strangers 111

subtlety 361

Sullivan, Anne (teacher of Helen Keller) 113

Sun Ra 115

sunset 367

support 355

surveillance 181

synchronicity 247

table 023, 053, 075, 147, 203, 215, 223, 243, 253, 279, 303, 319, 413, 423, 443, 461, 503, 525, 533, 559

tableaux 129, 459

taboo 301, 495

tango (Argentine) 331

tattoo 045, 259, 293

tear gas 231; see also CS gas

technology 067, 179, 233, 255, 443, 467, 487

Terminalia (Roman festival) 255

text, on clothes, on balloons 017, 265, 275, 321, 343, 347, 405, 411, 527, 547

theater (also theatres) 023, 029, 173, 199, 213, 299, 329, 349, 381, 467, 547

thematization 299

time 005, 007, 009, 021, 025, 029, 031, 033, 043, 049, 053, 065, 071, 103, 129, 133, 197, 215, 227, 239, 247, 259, 261, 285, 295, 303, 391, 397, 411, 425, 485, 559; see also duration

time capsule 413

time zones 367

tipping (as payment) 277

together (also togetherness) 017, 041, 043, 071, 095, 133, 173, 187, 217, 261, 321, 345, 351, 355, 367, 393, 395, 401, 405, 423, 431, 443, 449, 459, 511, 517

touch (sense) 097, 135, 193, 331, 355, 393, 399

traffic 015, 069, 127, 157, 285, 495, 551

transfiguration 425

transformation 025, 031, 165, 197, 321, 347, 431, 441, 449, 495

translation 045, 071, 135, 223, 443, 547

trap 333; see also music

trash also garbage, waste 013, 039, 147, 267, 431, 555

trauma 021, 093, 097, 101, 107, 163, 225, 241, 271, 345, 397, 499, 523, 531, 553; see also violence, healing

travel (also traveling) 017, 033, 135, 141, 163, 231, 249, 309, 373, 381, 383, 385, 389, 411, 421, 457, 487, 489, 551

trees 117, 137, 379

troll 199; see also internet

tropical 169, 521

triangulation 255, 299

Trump, Donald 045, 223, 339, 475, 491, 551, 555

truth 027, 029, 173, 489

trust 247, 291, 355, 407, 479, 483, 489, 495, 505

unbecoming 289

United States of America 005;2016 US presidential election campaign 195; political climate 201

utopia 261, 461, 547

urban space 297, 361, 455; cities 083, 295, 297, 309, 367, 465

vampires 273

vanity 127, 467

Vázquez de Coronado, Francisco (conquistador) 437

Vertigo (film) 109

victimization 363

Vig, Mihály 085

violence 241, 519, 523, 527; against women 281; see also trauma 021, 093, 097, 101, 107, 163, 225, 271, 345, 499, 531, 553

virtuality 487

visibility 433, 481, 517

the void 057, 379, 409; the abyss 057

voice 053, 109, 111, 153, 169, 197, 205, 275, 311, 339, 401, 405, 443, 457, 459, 465, 541

voicemail 011

vulnerability 307, 355, 479, 507

walking 017, 165, 217, 257, 295, 437, 527; gait 363

Washington D.C. 397

water 067, 325, 339, 385, 495; see also ice

wellness 021; health 113, 241, 279, 301, 313, 495

Western Wall (Jerusalem) 229

whaling 389 also sperm whale 389

whiskey 167, 327; see also alcohol

whiteness see race

witchcraft 321

witness 037, 041, 169, 241, 271, 367, 507, 519

Wonder Bread 209

workshop 063, 115, 405, 453, 493

wordplay also pun 125, 155, 189

work 171; see also labor

wrestling 003, 191, 387

writing 021, 041, 045, 091, 123, 167, 185, 215, 267, 373, 443, 453, 527; playscript 547

yearning 373, 425; see also longing

Yoruba people (West Africa) 059

Zeus (Greek mythology) 193