first performed on May 21, 2016
Castello della Lucertola, Apricale, Italy
performed three times in 2016
Ventimiglia, Italy
This performance was the result of my research into the realms of living species, focusing on the differences between the scientific definitions of vegetable and animal. What emerged as a major difference was that living beings are able to move. Right on the border between these two realms, man has been creating a third space where freedom of movement is self-limited.
The action:
I stood holding a living snail in my hand, with my feet planted in soil, while bound to a grate with rope. I started taking awareness of my body, by slowly moving my hands and arms then moving my feet and legs. I continued to move, taking awareness of the space, gradually increasing the rhythm of my movements until I reached the point where the rope totally unfolded.
During this part of the performance, the fight between my will to move away and the restriction of the rope began. I started to run from the point where the action began towards the public; at a certain point the rope would violently tug at me toward the ground. I kept on doing this until finally, exhausted, I let the snail onto the ground as a symbolic ritual of separation from the animal realm. I remained, occupying a limbo space between movement and limitation, and watched the snail slowly move away as it drew a trace of its passage.