first performed on November 19, 2016
Future Development, New York, NY
performed once in 2016
Autumn Ahn, Laura Hunt
New York, NY
Hey guys,
Not to exclude all you non-cis, non-binary, non-gender-identifying bod-
ies—well, we love you, but ya’ll got enough on your plate.
We’re not sure how it happened, but you guys lost the erection: the
liberal tower collapsed, the little man of the old regime stands, nuke
ready, viagra pumped—a representative of the people. But just because consumer democracies let you take refuge in a new
identity, join a feminist reading group, or try pegging, doesn’t mean
you don’t have to also confront your body, your self, and your
representation—just like we do!
Man represents man, and that man represents a people of men. The fact is that no president has ever represented us, but there’s always been a man to represent you, guys. And to
those of you who would prefer not to when it comes to the question of
masculinity—you think this makes you myn? Your
pronouns are your choice, but that doesn’t change your politicians.
Sorry that evacuating masculinity of its meaning doesn’t strip it
of its power. We were with her, of course, but her loss was his. And
by she we mean they, and by they we mean he, by which we mean
yours and ours. There are those of us this social contract have
always exempted, and there are those of us for whom that
contract has always stood. The difference we have in common is this: we’ve never been adequately represented, and your representation is inadequate.
With all this on the table, we’d like to give the male community the support it needs. We’d like to make you dinner.
From our mouths to yours,
The guys
Alt-D is a series of performance dinners in which a rotating staff of women artists are asked to program dinner functions for a male-only guest list. Female participants design structured encounters and prepare a menu that facilitates interaction between a dozen male guests. Always a dry event, throughout which hosts and staff are invisible, Alt-D provides an intentional space for male-identified subjects to engage with one another without the pressure of female or chemical mediation. As a counter-reactionary response to both the impotence of neoliberal feminism and the ensuing rise of male supremacy movements, Alt-D aims to stimulate alternative possibilities for men’s solidarity under the current regime of testopolitics.