first performed on July 20, 2016
Subway stops, Porto, Portugal
performed once in 2016
Berlin, Germany
Timetables. Walking. Sitting. Standing. Waiting. Moving. Stopping. Going.
Schedules. Mechanical body. Chronometric body.
City’s soundscape. Colors. Rhythms. Noises. Abstractions.
Common space. Borders. Place of encounter.
Urban metabolism. Urban paraphernalia.
Taking public transports in our urban daily life routines as a starting point, Trajectory consists of a series of long durational performances in different cities.
The city, as a living environment, encompasses multiple stimuli/impulses of sounds and images. How we perceive them not only influences the way we think but also inscribes in our bodies certain rhythms and ways of moving.
Each city has its own pace variations. Its sound and rhythm particularities embody different perceptions of time in each individual. Nonetheless, we are regulated by a primary time standard.
I start and finish the performance at the same subway station. I take the subway: the only object I carry is a metronome and I regulate its rhythm according to the soundscape of each specific spot. I get out at all stations and I wait for the next subway. I repeat the action until the end.
“Trajectory #2” experienced the modus vivendi in the spaces and places where a certain path was defined by a public transport. This journey observed and absorbed its surroundings during a certain time along a chosen route of the city’s transport map.