first performed on October 14, 2021
on a destroyed bridge, Concepción, Chile
performed ten times in 2021
Sebastián Reinoso, Daniel Sampieri
Concepción, Chile / Antofagasta, Chile
“Tirameloshuevos” in Spanish means throw my eggs. I made this video performance in a vestige of a bridge over the river in my city that was destroyed by a great earthquake in 2010. In the performance my partner and I, dressed as a bride and groom, take eggs out of a cage and manipulate them delicately, using each other to put them on the pavement or to deposit them in parts of the other’s body. Then the groom stands on the edge of the bridge and takes off his clothes to end up dressed in a golden cloth and a medallion simulating some image of a saint while I take off my dress and walk over the eggs, breaking them as I go. Then I put the veil on the groom and proceed to throw the remaining unbroken eggs at him. This action signifies the fragility and relativity of the roles imposed by society. Men and women in their established and accepted roles that do not represent the diversity and depth of human beings. With this action I denounce the intolerances, the mental cages and the stereotypes present in our world specifically regarding the roles of men and women. The action is on a broken bridge to signify the breakdown of structures.