first performed on May 14, 2021
Art in Odd Places: Normal, New York City, NY
performed once in 2021
New York, NY
I am a painter and performance artist creating murals and mythic interventions throughout the city inspired by my studies of ancient mystery religions and ecstatic dance. My work weaves together ancient patterns and urban symbols in search of journeys to the underworld and trances to make humans become divine. I created the performance “Divine Normal” during abnormal times in order to explore the mathematical origins of normalcy, the strange gods of the American mythos, and the power of creative labor to transcend it all. The performance was not choreographed or planned. I created a costume and a collection of props: a chalk wand, a chalice, a painter’s palette, an easel, black paper, scissors, a needle and thread. For three afternoons, I stood outside the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades on 14th Street wearing a pair of ram’s horns and a black dress with the normal equation sewn around the hem. Using my chalk wand, I drew a magic circle on the sidewalk and set up the easel to draw and cut out the shapes of allegorical gods. I traced the shadows of these gods on the street while the sun was strong. I arranged and rearranged everything, using water from the chalice to erase old marks. Passersby were invited to partake in the ritual. Some joined. Some watched. Most walked by. I received a series of unexpected gifts: a black and white print of an egg cracking open, a healing crystal, a mugwort plant. Incense was burned. A sacrifice was made. In the end, the circle was covered in flowers and goddesses of every color.