first performed on October 28, 2021
CLOUD CITY, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY
performed twice in 2021
Caitlin Gill, Alice Teeple
“Fragment” originated out of the mind of my friend and collaborator Mary Sefchek, a poet, playwright, and performer. The seed syllables of “Fragment” are a red square of light and a person wrapped in newspaper. The only intention of the work was to do something and to do it together with my friend. Mary is a mom, doula, and business owner, her energy moving into these things she is now creating and bringing into becoming. How to include time and “art?” It didn’t matter what the piece would be or is. What matters is doing. This was my problem. How do I make art with my friend?
I emerge with a cauldron aluminum pot, raised above my head. I slam it down and jerk my body upright. Around me, a white/blue clay vessel, red/white clay vessel, blank white canvas, large wooden spoon, newspaper hung on a red string, sheep skin, corner of red clay, pile of rocks, red square of light the same size as the canvas, and red and white backpack water sprayer. I’m dressed in a white cooking apron, open in the back, and white skintight shorts. I move through all of these “allies.” I pour water from white/blue vessel into the pot, smash the rocks to reveal a clay rock, I write these words, “THERE’S SOMETHING IN ROCKS THAT MAKES THEM SO STRONG.” I drop the clay rock into the pot, stir with large spoon. I transfer the “soup” into red/white clay vessel, take off apron, put on sheep skin, I walk to clay corner. I sleep and dream and toss and snore. I spasm and awake, emerge with purpose to find water. I drink water and am poisoned, I emerge changed. I take off shorts, am nude. I transfer the water again into the backpack sprayer, I wrap myself in wetted newspaper and red string. I become the newspaper femme doctor. I put on the backpack sprayer, the song “Wild is the Wind” by Nina Simone plays, I walk and spray around the people present. I spray the words I wrote and dance, bits of newspaper falI away, bits remain and the red string remains. I cross out words and rewrite them, the sentence becomes. “THERE’S SOMETHING IN MUSIC THAT MAKES ME STRONG.” I notice the red square of light and gasp, motion toward it, I recover, drop everything and walk off.