first performed on November 29, 2020
Artists Studio
performed once in 2020
“Selfie With Automata” is an interactive performance between the performer and the audience. Automata is a person under a machine printed suit. Viewers are curious as to whether it is the artist himself under the suit or if it’s someone performing on behalf of the artist. This enthusiasm of wanting to know who is under the suit is what engages the viewers in the performance. The performance tests the behavior of active participants based on how they interact with Automata. A challenge in this performance for active participants is how they understand Automata. They can understand Automata as a human or a machine. This understanding is what would determine the progress of the performance. The progress of this performance also depends on how the participant acts, they could act as if they have ownership over Automata by giving commands that fulfil their inner desires. Active participants could encounter many ambivalent situations while interacting with Automata. During this performance, the performer has the control over whether they behave like a human or a machine, interestingly the active participant can control Automata by giving commands. Sometimes during this experience an active participant can encounter that Automata is resisting instructions from the participant because Automata is controlling itself by displaying characteristics of a human and a machine. Participants might come across Automata behaving ambivalent, because sometimes Automata follows the instructions given to it and sometimes it disobeys the participant. By behaving like this Automata is conveying a message that we may encounter this same situation in the future with robots, the robots in the future might control themselves by disobeying their creator.