first performed on April 29, 2021
Janusz Plota Studio Transitart Europe, Gdansk, Poland
performed twice in 2021
Janusz Plota, Gdansk, Poland
Last year’s imaf festival was to take place under normal conditions, where the invited artists were to present their performative actions and documentation of their work. The pandemic situation forced the organizers to transform the performance festival into an on-line festival of performing arts. The whole situation forced me to change my project in favor of a universal message. Covid was the background of my performative action, which took place in my place of creation. The props used for the performance are artifacts collected from my last residences in the world.
My performance was realized in my studio in Gdańsk, in the city where solidarity was born. It is a symbolic place of birth and loss of freedom. This is the place of my most important projects. These pictures of my art, written on foils and plates, I combined with X-ray images, typical elements of my art. X-ray film is a record of a person, their body structure and energy. Now, closed during a pandemic time, I was able to deliver an on-line message for the 22nd International Multimedial Art Festival—IMAF 2020 in Serbia. This apparent closure allowed us artists who use performative language and not only to send their artistic passport.
My man locked in white (construction) foil tries to free himself from the space of the absurd. The pandemic time has changed everything around and out of it all rebellion is emerging, hope for tomorrow is emerging. The performative action shows the world of art, the world in a contemporary art studio, in the middle of Europe. The independence of the place of my studio and my archetypal trance art is at a distance to the present world. It is a polemic with the iconosphere of public space. It is a polemic with the populist world that kills humanism. The actor in my performance uses a glass vase as a liturgical bell, referring to the mystery of a religious rite. The omnipresent religious narrative has destroyed the peace of civic life in Poland in recent years. All these clear signals and coded signs co-created one image of a closed man and at the same time crossing the borders of the cage, absurd and populism.