first performed on August 08, 2020
The performance was recorded at my house and is part of IMS Convida virtual exhibition.
performed once in 2020
Belo Horizonte/Brazil
According to the Atlas of Violence 2020, a woman is murdered in Brazil every two hours.
Every six hours and 23 minutes, a woman is killed inside a house.
Black women are almost twice as many victims as non-black women.
Every four minutes a woman is assaulted in Brazil.
According to data from Brazilian Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights (MMDH), violence against women in Brazil increased by 40% during the pandemic of the new coronavirus, making the home environment one of the most dangerous for women.
This video-performance was made during the period of social isolation imposed due to the pandemic of the new coronavirus. For 31 minutes in this work, I recall my own lived experiences of domestic violence to reflect violence against women, especially in the context where the domestic environment becomes the most dangerous and scary.
In August, I celebrate. I was born on the 30th, but it was on the 15th of August, 2011 when I left my abuser’s house, never to return, hence why August was the month chosen to be silenced no more.
For each day, at least one woman victim of abuse or femicide is remembered in this video performance.
As sounds of heartbeats are interrupted by gunshots in the background, I paint my lips with red lipstick, which will later be used to remove from the calendar on the wall behind me the name of a woman who was murdered that day.