first performed on March 15, 2020
Forest of Vendel, Sweden
performed once in 2020
unknown biological processes aka tree moss hawk rock fungi bull etc.
Örbyhus Sweden
Living in a time and place, where identification with the thin membrane of skin, as container of self, is slowly dissolving, as borders between beings evaporate, the environment disintegrates into a myriad of sentient beings. These sentiments were kept at the center throughout the process, and raised questions about ethics and being like a parasite (since “the vehicle” needs to consume other lifeforms to sustain being).
The project became a daily practice, triggered by restricted movements of 2020. To use the work as a platform to enter a dialogue with the non-human processes that surround me. I kept coming back to a sense of the limits or lack of language at the core of this seeming resistance to integrate what I know. Living in a retinal world where the word became authority, how can the action contribute to an integration of knowledge that bypasses the limits of word-based languages? Can this ”language of action” be its own authority, its own tool for exploring the subtle necessary changes we as species are facing?
“Perforated Realities” started out as a diary, an attempt at dialogue, through a daily interAction between the organic surroundings and the fleshy vehicle typing these words. Being in a time and place, where identification with the thin membrane of skin, as container of self, is slowly dissolving, as borders between beings evaporate, the environment disintegrates into a myriad of sentient beings. Background foreground blends, separation between species, like a crude simplification, reinforced by word-based language? As we grasp for new identities, beyond vessels, towards larger organic processes of becoming. Navigating through other life forms, slowly comprehending complexities of inner lives, rather than, a colorful/useful background to the hu_Man drama. Understanding the action as tool and platform for communication, the BODY becomes a TRANSMITTING RECEIVER. Here unfolds possibilities for other species to have voice, for the human to take a step back, and once again learn to listen. There is no there there!