OCT 31 2020
first performed on October 31, 2020
The Allen Street Mall (Lower Manhattan)
performed once in 2020
New York, New York
OCT 31 2020
The New York Board of Taste actualized “OCT 31 2020” in alignment with the blue moon on October 31, 2020.
The action was taken as a reclamation of public space and to liberate expression from the paralyzing confines of common contemporary platforms. These include and are not limited to: private institutions, public institutions, art fairs, galleries, virtual exhibitions, etc.
Participants were invited to contribute to a ten-year time capsule to be buried in a public median in lower Manhattan.
Members gathered around midnight and broke ground, designating a portion of the Allen Street mall as a public custodian of “OCT 31 2020.”
An empty box fashioned from broken furniture and local discards was lowered into the earth four feet below its surface. Each gesture was documented as it entered the box. Collectively the capsule was sealed with screws, chained shut, and buried in situ by the kicking of soil.
The entombed capsule contains, among others things: an edible bouquet, printed text, shibari copper breasts, paintings, written letters, a stuffed animal, drawings, a lottery ticket, furled indigo shibori, Yunnan pu’er tea, birch tar, and a text message.
A solid metal marker two inches thick, twelve inches wide, and eight inches tall milled “OCT 31 2020” was implanted on the surface above the burial site and garnished with a beetle infested milkweed pod along with a single wild rose from a nearby bush.
“Oct 31 2020” will be unearthed on October 31, 2030.