first performed on May 24, 2020
Performed in my home and online (Sarah Hill's prompt for MOINVERSE Challenge)
performed once in 2020
Brooklyn, NY
This performance was made in response to a prompt by Sarah Hill, for the “Inverse Challenge,” a series created by Cynthia Post Hunt and Emma Saperstein, founders and curators of the Inverse Performance Art Festival, in conjunction with The Momentary.
PROMPT from Sarah Hill:
Record a 30-second performance that considers…
Objects you interact with daily
Memories you have had
Desires you have had
This performance prompt is interested in asking questions about time and space. Is time going fast for you, or is the time going slow? Or is it a mix of hurrying and moving through glue? How does memory work? What does it mean to remember? How does collective-group memory work? Can you have a collective memory?
(more context via video: instagram.com/p/CAVoR50gSYn)
Thank you, Sarah Hill.
At the time this prompt was posted, I had fallen on the sidewalk, seriously injuring my wrist, and scraping my knees… I felt vulnerable and isolated.
I wrapped my body around my pillow in bed.
I hugged. For a long time.
I started to think about my body, feeling my muscles, my soreness. and finally, myself.
I tried to remember what it was like to be close to another body… to comfort or to feel comforted.
This performance wasn’t about being lonely, but rather about being alone, needing help, needing comfort.
The performance lasted about 40 minutes.
I posted 30 seconds online; and here, I am sharing a photo.
It is something to me. It is something else to you.
I posted it online to connect with other people. I describe it here to say that it happened.