first performed on May 05, 2020
performed 11 times in 2020
Sonya Bogdanova, Asya Dubrovina, Li-Ming Hu, Jared Kelley, Michelle Marie, Austin McCann, Hanna M. Owens, Caitlin Ryan, Veronica Salinas, Jan Simonds, Evelyn Wilde
Chicago, IL/Berlin, Germany/Iowa City, IA/Cincinnati, OH
From April – June of 2020, the Chicago project space Flatland put out an open call for anyone to join them for ESP (extrasensory perception) tests via the COVID-19 networking staple, Zoom. Given the ubiquity of this platform as a temporary replacement for all strata of life in the United States, Flatland wondered about Zoom’s communicative efficacy as a sudden stand-in for all stripes of interaction. In each Zoom ESP test, Flatland attempted to send an image, or scene, or action to each participant in the vague hope that they might receive it, that a telepathic connection could be achieved. This, of course, was a pretense to establish a connection via using Zoom in a way it was not intended to be used, to create an occasion for an experience in a moment where such experiences are wholly regulated or controlled. Only one participant (Michelle Marie) got remotely close to the beamed-in image; another was the only one to hear anything (Veronica Salinas); every single one of the participants envisioned a scene of nature (perhaps a reaction to this very experience of thinking outside while being stuck inside). The fruits of these sessions elicited new works, unguarded prompts, sensory goofs, and online awkwardness that both espoused the futility of marrying minds but also the spirit of just doing it anyway. All of this is collected in an online exhibition, ESPUSA.FYI that features the Zoom recorded telepathy tests, transcripts of said tests, and each participant’s creative response to the test results. Part art show, performance work, social and scientific report, practical joke, and mini-treatise on our contemporary modes of communication, ESP/USA is an action and exhibition for the age and moment, living and working in our Altered States of America.