first performed on November 14, 2019
Ignite Gallery, Toronto, Canada
performed once in 2019
Toronto, Canada
A performance involving a series of manipulations of acetate prints of my own face. Expanding on previous aesthetic, conceptual, and material experiments, this work investigates both the tangibility and ephemerality of identity.
I press my mouth against the prints and inhale to form a suction. One by one, I move them from one side of the space to an overhead projector on the other side of the space by sliding across the floor on my back. My face and the image are superimposed during movement, then projected onto the wall upon arrival. I lay back down and caress a shredder. One by one, I feed the prints into the shredder to be destroyed. I throw handfuls of these shreds into a fan and shower the audience with bits of myself. Having made a mess, I use a vacuum and collect myself off of the floor. I empty the vacuum onto the overhead projector, creating a now fragment version of the previous image. I end the performance by slowly blowing the pieces off of the projector.
Through breaths in and breaths out (both human and machine), the image gets transferred, accumulated, destroyed, celebrated, gathered, reassembled, and abandoned.