first performed on September 26, 2019
Sky Village Swap Meet & the desert of the American West, Yucca Valley, CA
performed once in 2019
THE 181
Brandon Boan, Abby Donovan, Tom Hughes, Phil McGaughy, Jason Rhodes
Oakland, CA / Old Fort, NC / Bend, OR / Eugene, OR
THE 181
We certainly weren’t nowhere when we weren’t yet to the desert; and where the desert began becomes ghostly in recall, more like a fog or bump some time behind us. There was clearly desert space and not desert space, and their distinctions are the centers that hold orientation and context. All that we brought within us and all along beside us was meant specifically to be presented to the desert space.
A partial inventory: burnt limbs of re-skinned latex baths, boron mine exposures, unconscious body lean adaptations (correlate to prevailing wind blows, weighted counterbalance), dashboard emulsion fields, lead-lined portable catacomb, nautical sailing light cards, bi-stringed air collector, vitrified ocular-audio restrictors, vibrational audio pluckers and clankers, hydrophobicextrudedpolymerfreeforms, volcanic rejections, portals (two exactly, with peaks into inter-worlds where only glimpses were afforded), illegal tomatoes, underworld millinery and luminescence, instant(ish) image duplicators, stories collected from the not-desert (not-desert myths of fire, myths of Luthiers, myths of roadside fare, myths of broken lands).
We brought all of this from the not-desert. Pulling each out as the desert space called us in perfect time to do so. And that desert space did make them disappear. That desert space did what desert spaces do, it made them all disappear in the strangest of ways. All the notions, the ideas, the materials, and stories, all of these things we brought from the not-desert places. They disappeared in the most subtle of ways, in ways we couldn’t see until leaving the desert, for we were disappeared as well. It was a subtle sublimation of orientation to the center of the frame called desert space. An orientation no longer connected to the place of not-desert from which they / we came. In the specifics of that time and place we and all we brought slightly and simply disappeared, becoming completely of desert space and nothing more.
It has been observed that two planes meeting, merge, but we cannot be surprised that volume is metric when confined by an echo.