first performed on April 26th, 2019
Casa Viva, Mexico City, Mexico
performed once in 2019
Mexico City, Mexico
Schism is by definition the separation of a person from an organization or movement originated by disagreement with a dominant ideology or doctrine but with the preservation of hope and faith in shared ideals.
I believe that breaking up a romantic relationship works in the same way. Love—the way we socially perceive it—seeks the imperishable and unconditional which means that a flaw—a breakup—forces us to return to stage one of the search for true love every time we fail, preserving faith in its existence, faith in the ideal of love.
Because of this faith, when we are in a relationship we can romanticize domestic violence by comparing resistance with loyalty and unconditionality. Then control tactics like jealousy and guilt are disguised as attentions and amorous manifestations that simulate care for the other, a masquerade of fake vulnerability that favors the exercise of manipulation for the permanence of the other party happens and breaking the cycle becomes hard and painful.
In “Cisma” I work with my personal experience with domestic violence, which I experienced in my latest romantic relationships. For the action I wrote a message in a mirror with lipstick: “I loved you honestly and I have never acted with the intention of hurting you.” Then I wrote on sixteen white plates violent phrases from my past relationships. One by one I broke the dishes on the mirror following a squared trajectory. My feet got hurt in the course due to the remains of mirror and porcelain. The action ended when I had broken all the plates and I placed myself inside a transparent baking pan filled with cold water and ice.