first performed on April 24, 2019
The Vale of Cashmere, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
performed once in 2019
Brooklyn, NY
Within the Vale of Cashmere, a group of invited peers and a few members of the public witness the following action: I change my outfit. I stretch-wrap my legs together. I pick up a cardboard sign that reads “CAPITALISM DOES NOT CARE.” I hop around the brick path that surrounds the pond. I wave the sign above my head and drag it across the ground. The cardboard acts as a barrier between my skin and the cement as I crawl. My body begins to sweat, and my breathing becomes labored. My knees rub together and begin to ache. The toy army soldiers attached to the high heels rip out of place and fall along the way. I do a single lap around the pond and change back to my original outfit. The action ends.
“RESTORATION AREA” conveys the tenuous relationship between care and money. Capitalism fuels the exploitation and extraction of all the resources from the planet Earth. How can people exist beyond the requirement to contribute to this cause?