first performed on March 2, 2019
Laban Studio Theatre, London, United Kingdom
performed three times in 2019
Andrew Demetriou
Andrew Demetriou gives a voice to Irina Baldini’s thinking body, performing a letter she wrote addressing dance and its audience. She moves in space independent from his uninterrupted commentary.
“In the event of” looks at change, uncertainty, and precariousness in dance improvisation as a means to allow the dancer to reach a state of vulnerability, and to feel safe to expose themselves as a prelude to intimacy between audience and performer.
Being conscious of my own actions, reactions, and responses is something I find most important in the face of current states of global instability, where socio/political contexts reveal turmoil, conflict, and uncertainty.
I focus this work on the relationship between movement and thought, in the specific on how a dialogue between physical and psychological experiences can cause changes in the dancer’s state of mind, which can be read and deeply affect an audience. I believe that there is a powerful fragility that can be brought to performance when confusion is married with the agency that each individual has in taking decisions.
I believe in the so-called impossible. I do not ask whether it is going to happen or not. I do it because I am driven to bounce off of extremities, three-dimensional, zigzagging star-shaped journeys, living of the direction. Movement going from somewhere to another somewhere, none of these places being factually sustainable for long. Skimming quickly through the middle which I clearly want to avoid, as it soon would become a place of stagnation and lack of life. It is life that I am after. Movement is life as for as long as we are breathing we are alive.