first performed on December 1, 2018
Cable Factory, Helsinki, Finland
performed once in 2018
York, UK
Sea coal collected from the beach, small white stones that looks like teeth. It was never my intention to use these objects, even though I had taken them with me to Helsinki, and they were not part of my thinking about the performance until a few hours prior. What happens when you are working intensely towards a performance is that your ideas compress. Like weight. Connections are made, thoughts quicken, bridges appear that were once hidden. The venue was by the shore, the sea was in my mind, and my coastal home brought me to new decisions.
The wood of the door reminded me of the bed I had when I was a child. I would place my teeth on the bed-head and make small indentations by biting down.
In this work I transported the stones from one side of the door to the other via my mouth for three hours. The task made the fingers of my hand wrinkle with the tiny wetness of my tongue when I removed a stone. A small change over time. The way gravity speaks or weight weighs.