first performed on November 9, 2018
Rocky Neck State Park along the beach, Niantic, CT
performed once in 2018
Tucson, AZ
A futile attempt to contain the water from the land and the land from the water, “Untitled (Edge)” is a performance piece that interacts directly with discomfort, longing, and personal boundaries. As the ocean crashes into the sand, I draw a line along the highest rim of water that each wave reaches. Digging my hands into the earth beneath me, this line is continuously erased and redefined by the advance of the tide. My body becomes the attempted intervention or disturbance to the shift of the waves. A physical toll is left on my body, while the environment remains predominantly unchanged. Another wave will come to wash the marks away.
This piece works through feelings of displacement and seclusion by striving to create separate containers for both the land and the water to live in, as if they were isolated entities. “Untitled (Edge)” is an homage to invisible borders and the conception of safe spaces. The actions in this work are a physical manifestation of something you cannot actually see: feelings and mental reactions to (mostly) unacquainted spaces.