first performed on December 23, 2017
SOHO Tianshan Plaza, Shanghai, China
performed once in 2017
Shanghai, China
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“Shape | Sound | Space” is a body and sound performance which plays with the widespread statement “Architecture is a frozen music.” What if we actually use a sound to form shape, move it in the space, and create structures? While using our bodies and voices, we reveal the physical law of the conservation of energy and transform this energy from one into the other medium of artistic expression. If the energy can neither be created nor destroyed, how can we draw a boundary between different forms it is converted to?
This performance started with a dancer holding a plank position on a white marble ground. A black horizontal line of the dancer’s body (Olga Merekina) contrasted with both the light, airy space, and with the red vertical appearance of the sound artist (Lena Kilina). The latter was holding a hammer and wooden block in her hands. Silence was broken with a stroke of the hammer and the sharp, deep voice of the artist whose sound was directed at the solid body of the dancer. Single words were becoming recitative supported by rhythmical strokes of the hammer, while Olga’s body, motionless at first, began to deform and reshape. Lena’s speech was gradually transformed into a song that filled the space and moved toward reaching the frequency of the body. As soon as the resonance was achieved, the dancer’s movement became fluid and three-dimensional. The voice, like a magnet, attracted the body, and when Olga crossed an imagined line of event horizon, the sound and her movements faded out, while both still resonated in the air. Finally, Olga touched the source of sound and closed Lena’s mouth with her hand.