first performed on December 16, 2017
Venice International Performance Art Week, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy
performed once in 2017
Dhaka, Bangladesh
“Eternal Moment: I’m Here—BM001323” was a durational piece from my ongoing series of performances “Eternal Moment.” I put my body in a 30” x 18” x 24” cardboard box for 120 minutes—as a package. I wanted to experience the interaction between my body in a parcel box and the audience. After a while I used my right palm to interact with the viewer—someone, very intimately, held my hand for a long time. Next, I cut squares from the box and put both my hands through them to the outside. I used candles and burned them in my hand, trying to keep the liquid wax in my left palm. This passed information of my body and its activity to outside of the box. Every single drop of wax shared its sound, temperature, and time sense. Again, some audience members touched my hands and held them for a while. It was as if we were sharing the same situation, body temperature, emotion, and moment. Inside the box I was not able to see their face and from the outside they were not able to know who I was. It created a feeling of curiosity. Who? Why? Where? How? / Gender? Age? Identity? And so many other questions! Out of all this there was an awareness of existence and the senses. Finally, there was someone who tried to experience the same feeling as me. She (whom I saw later) gently held my wrist, put her palm under my palm, and moved my hand to experience the burning wax drop in her palm. I found her so polite when she was interacting. I took the candle and started to tear the box with my body. Slowly I came out from the box with a clown face. I stood up and took the whole wax form from my hand, placed it on the floor as a sculpture and left the space.
The title was on the box: “I’m Here—BM0051323,” which includes my passport number, which is my identity! I tried to create and experience the relation between senses by hiding myself inside the parcel box.