first performed on December 1, 2017
Soho20 Gallery, New York, NY
performed once in 2017
New York, NY
“Eomma” is the phonetic pronunciation of the Korean word 엄마, or “mother” in English. Through the performance “Eomma,” I hope to raise questions about family relationships, distance and separation, and the bonds that connect us to people we care about. The performance starts with me bringing a care package sent by my mother from Korea to Soho20 gallery in Brooklyn.
Part I
On the gallery floor, I unpack the care package and present the sent objects: lucky charms, a Buddhist scripture handwritten by mother, four different sizes of dried Korean anchovies, a women’s bodysuit, aprons, rubber gloves, sunglasses, a hand mirror, a dress, Korean ginseng extract, a handbag, socks, and mother’s shoes. I present these items one by one and perform intuitively with the objects. I observe, hold, touch, smell, read, arrange, and wear. As I try on the items, I gradually transform into a figure that combines my mother and myself. We coexist.
Part II
Pre-recorded sound begins and we hear my mother’s footsteps. She recorded the sound of her daily routine walking trails, going to a market, going out and coming back home. I wear my mother’s shoes sent to me in a care package, and I walk around the gallery and attempt to intuitively match my mother’s footsteps.
Part III
The sound of my mother’s footsteps stops and I take off her shoes and sit on the floor. A pre-recorded sound of my mother speaking in Korean begins, and we hear her talking about her difficulties using Skype. We also hear some of her comments about me. As she speaks, I simultaneously translate Korean into English and deliver them to the audience.
“I can’t hear you.” “ Do you hear me?” “I can’t see you.” “You are losing hair.” “You are getting uglier.” “You are getting old.”
Part IV
A pre-recorded sound of my parents’ conversations in Korean comes out of speakers and I translate into English for the audience. My parents discuss the song “Moon River.” “Moon River is an international song.” “Yes it is.” “I am going out.” “Record well.” Then we hear my father play “Moon River” on his saxophone. I sing “Moon River” for the audience. The sound of my mother’s footsteps appears again at the end of the music. I change into my own shoes and then follow her footsteps.
The performance ends.