first performed on November 26, 2017
Revolution Square, Mexico City, Mexico
performed once in 2017
Mexico City, Mexico / Brooklyn, NY
lamantiza.wordpress.com / lamantiza.wordpress.com/los-que-vienen
Daniela Falcon, Nelly César, Arantxa Araujo, Cynthia Granados, Ernesto Salgado, Shanttal Saad, Esmeralda Osejo, Mitzi I. Olvera, Kuasar Nova
Our purpose is to foster a community of interdisciplinary performers and interdisciplinary artists in public spaces as an action to change the established guidelines within artistic institutions in Mexico. Our work focuses on both the diffusion of and reaction to arts within the context of the country where we live. Art has been highly institutionalized and there are almost no performative expressions in public spaces that reach audiences other than people from artistic or intellectual guilds. At the same time, public performance can be a peaceful and profound act in reaction and in opposition to the New Military Reform, which allows for the military to be present in public spaces and to intervene with civil society whenever it wants.
In a society full of violence, and with the case of the New Military Reform in Mexico, which restricts political expression in public spaces (like marches, political dissent, etc.), this communal happening represents the power to express oneself and to intervene public spaces through bodies as a political act. However, far from being an attack, it is a way of full expression that unifies all the participants to create another kind of possible community, through contemporary life and art together.
We made the performance act visible and invisible in turn; we explored the performance act as an act that can permeate society and the individual. During the action, it was suggested in a free form of expression that all performers intervene at the Revolution Monument on Revolution Square as a symbol; also, it was agreed that we would integrate certain principles contained in the book The Coming Insurrection by The Invisible Committee, which talks about the change that the world needs, inhabiting and participating in public space, fostering new possible forms.
Thus, our action involved responding in a peaceful way and taking the arts to other audiences, integrating both early stage and recognized career artists as participants and performers, creating actions outside of regular Mexican art and performance institutions, and, in a subtle way, breaking the laws of what the New Military Reform would suppose (something that will not stop us from continuing to operate peacefully in public spaces).