first performed on June 6, 2017
Trump Tower, New York, NY
performed two times in 2017
West New York, NJ
I was a beggar wearing a patient gown and a medical ID bracelet. I had bare feet, a cardboard sign and cup. I begged for help as a political performance protest.
On November 16, 2017, Congress passed the 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut to allow for tax breaks to 1% of the richest people. At the time of my performance, this bill was in front of the Senate, awaiting their vote. These tax cuts directly gut Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Pell grants, housing assistance, Social Security, and even cancer research. This plan will destroy my life and that of millions of others like myself who depend upon Human Services because of our physical and or mental health conditions which limit our jobs. Without the minimal level of healthcare and assistance I currently receive, my daughter and I (as well as millions of others) will become “beggars”, panhandling in the streets for basic human rights.
I want the people to know what these “cuts” will do, who it will affect, and the end result. And I figured what better place to do this than in front of Trump Tower, where most people have no idea of what’s happening because it’s not affecting them. So I will disrupt their day and give them food for thought with this performance. These cuts will benefit the wealthiest companies in the world.
18.7% of the United States are disABLEd and need access to healthcare. Without it the effects will be grievous, and people will become sicker and die.
I am disABLEd, as I have multiple sclerosis, arthritis, hypothyroidism, among many other health conditions, and have had eight surgeries.
Throughout history, beggars have typically been people who are unable to work due to a health condition, therefore having to beg for money, food, and shelter.
On November 6, 2017, the Secret Service came twice and I was threatened with arrest once. On November 30, 2017, I was threatened with arrest three times.