first performed on October 14, 2017
"I owe u some pie"—Day 2, Karlsruhe, Germany
performed once in 2017
1 roll of pink tape
1 branch
1 jug filled with water
1 piece of bush
1 plastic bottle filled with little black stones
sheets of white DIN A4 paper
I prepared this performance as a second iteration on the second day of a performative event. I used some of the materials from the day before but also added new ones.
I installed all materials in the area marked with the pink tape from the performance the day before. While standing, I took the jug and let the water fall to the floor while I slowly lifted my left arm. I took the branch and slowly walked through the space, very close to the audience. I positioned the branch somewhere else than it was before.
I took the plastic bottle with the black stones and let them trickle on the white paper. After emptying the bottle, I carefully took the white paper sheets covered with the black stones and positioned them somewhere else in the space. Cautiously, I pulled out the rest of the white papers underneath the pile of black stones. While kneeling, I transformed one sheet after another into funnels and put them into my mouth till a huge flower-looking figure was growing out of my mouth. I stood up and rubbed the funnel figure at the wall until I reached the pink tape. I peeled away the tape from the wall and floor and wound it around the paper flower in my mouth. I positioned the ball of paper and tape in the space and left the installation.
My aim was to create a system of subtle relations, which develop a composite collage of actions and at the same time create, step-by-step, an installation in the space. Several figurative constructions were shaped by the interaction of my movements with the objects but also with their forms and colors as a total assemblage in the space.
I concentrated on the creation of an image-based installation, but also on the accentuation of the beauty of delicate moments like rinsing water on the floor or the sound of trickling stones on paper. During the performative process, various intersections appear in which unpredictable new images emerge. The material and objects begin to talk in their own way, as I like to treat them more like partners than just objects for my use.