first performed on September 2, 2017
Defibrillator Gallery, Chicago, IL
performed once in 2017
Helsinki, Finland and Toronto, Canada
“Invisibility Cloak” is an ongoing project responding to the problem of bisexual invisibility. I repurpose camping and survival materials to create wearable objects for performance. These objects are inspired by camouflage techniques, but queer the intentions of camouflage by using brightly coloured and reflective materials. In preparation for exhibiting this project at Defibrillator Gallery, I deconstructed a tent, reusing its materials for the performance.
In the window of the gallery, a mylar sheet and two tarpaulins hang from the ceiling. They are perforated by holes, allowing a semi-obstructed view through them into the gallery from outside or onto the street from within. I turn on a fan which causes the sheets to gently sway.
I roll a large sheet of paper across the floor. On the paper, I have drawn a sewing pattern for the creation of a tent. I pitch a tent, two sides of which have been removed. I place an overhead projector inside the tent and project a sewing pattern for a women’s coat onto the wall.
I rub glitter over my body. I pick up a mylar sheet and rub it over my body. I stand on a second mylar sheet and slowly turn in circles as the mylar bunches up around my feet.
I put on a cloak covered with strips of mylar and stand in front of the projector. The light from the projector is reflected and scattered around the room. I slowly turn in circles as Cindy Lauper’s “Time After Time” plays.