first performed on February 17, 2017
EDA Gallery, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
performed once in 2017
Robben Muñoz
Los Angeles, CA
Priming is a process by which participants are repeatedly exposed to a stimulus such that their later behavior and cognitive response is influenced. The effects of priming can be deeply penetrating and are often utilized in social psychology research to influence an outcome or to better understand the power of the manipulation. Inspired by the research of Adam D. Galinsky, whose paper “Power and Perspectives Not Taken” demonstrated compelling evidence that our capacity for empathy or perspective sharing can be strongly influenced by a simple prime for power, “Prime” is a series of small performances that investigate the influence of such a prime. When asked to describe a time they had power, do participants in turn become more powerful?
Two performers walk along a line. At either end of this line they respond to a simple prompt:
Describe a time when you had control over someone.
Describe a time when someone had control over you.
The performers then proceed to walk back and forth between the two questions along a black line on the floor. With each pass they must negotiate how to cross over each other without stepping off the line. The moment the performers meet is captured by a photograph, a record of the engagement. A document to contemplate the state of power and its malleability.