first performed on January 28, 2017
Streets and trails of Cheung Chau Island, Hong Kong
performed three times in 2017
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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For many working people, the highlight of the year is the annual summer holiday. During this short, intense period people remove themselves from their habitual surroundings and immerse themselves enthusiastically into what is often unfamiliar geographical and/or cultural territory.
The proposed performance deals with the journey to and from this holiday adventure. This journey, which takes us to our holiday destinations, can be stressful and problematic, involving long periods of queuing, waiting, may involve delays, questions, endless security checks, document examinations, aimless window shopping in duty-free shops, trips to the toilet, always with one eye on the information screen anticipating announcements of the appropriate gate number from which our long-awaited flight will depart. This stressful experience is regarded as something to be endured, is unavoidable and often begins to tear away at the relationships between accompanying family members or travelling companions.
After the experience of working on my previous performance “Releasing Sisyphus,” I wish to continue this cathartic trend. I wish to address the holiday journey itself, rather than the time spent at the destination. The journey has become the holiday and I now approach the travelling time as my vacation.
The suitcase, which represents a link to my origins as it contains my spare clothes and other items brought from home, shall also become a burden that slows me down and forces me, to choose the path of least resistance along the trail. I must take the suitcase everywhere with me and it will no doubt hinder my forward progress and sap my strength, but I will endeavor to push on, exploring the choreography of the holiday experience.