first performed on January 19, 2017
ONCA, Brighton, UK
performed fourteen times in 2017
London, UK
As the sea temperature increases so does its mass. Will we wait for the rising of the masses or the sea level before we act on Climate Change?
Let’s Chant It! Let’s Rhyme It! Let’s Cheer to Save The Climate!
The Sea Squad uses cheerleading to discuss climate change, colonialism and capitalism, and acts as a model for action. Dressed in royal blue skirts and shorts, we wave pom poms, dance together, and chant in unison about climate change and the sea.
First you used me to explore, then you wanted war.
Called your men who crossed me brave, while you named others slave.
I am the sea, you’re surrounded by me.
Cheerleaders are individuals, working together as a team. They are a rhizomatic network. They are a model of group leadership, making statements in formation. They are power in a union. A body of water is comprised of individual water molecules, each invisible. And yet the sea as a mass contains so much power. Cheerleaders and the Sea rely on molecular structures for their strength.
H-2-O! Let’s Go!
The sea is an international body of water, it knows no borders; Sea Squad have performed internationally and in multiple languages. The audiences are encouraged to join in the chants and actions as much as possible. Sometimes even getting directly involved, holding banners or standing alongside us chanting. If you don’t have a pom pom, use a fist!
Je suis l’océan, voyez comme je suis grand
Je suis la mer, de ma force je suis fière
The work uses a light humorous approach, and catchy chants, to get people thinking about climate change and sea level rise for more than five seconds. We usually avoid thinking about such huge, scary challenges, especially those which we feel disconnected from. The molecular structure of water is infinitely expandable, as is the movement against climate change. So will you rise up with the sea? Will you join Sea Squad?