first performed on September 27, 2015
Cumbre Mountains, La Paz, Bolivia
performed once in 2015
Emiliano Longo
My colleague and I are placed in two opposite sides of a circle of ropes. One of us ties the ropes walking backwards while the other one unties the ropes walking forwards in the circle. We create a movement in the circle that takes different forms according to our actions and duration of those actions. It is a never ending circle, tying and untying the same ropes, in an infinite movement loop.
Looking from above is mandatory.
This work is inspired by the concept of TIME inside the native cultures of my country. We believe in the cycles of life. We do not believe that time moves in a linear way. For us time takes circular movements. The past is ahead of us and the future is behind us. The close relationship our culture has with nature has taught us that the end of a cycle is the beginning of another one. It moves like that forever. Renovation, pro creation, continuity of life, death, being born: all of these cyclical cycles bring balance to our lives and communities.