first performed on May 15, 2015
Train Station, Verscio, Switzerland
performed once in 2015
Boston, MA
Moments before midnight, I slowly began to walk on a partition between a set of train tracks that run through Switzerland and Italy. During the hours of midnight to six o’clock in the morning the trains are inactive. I alternated between walking the length of the central platform, to sitting on the edge of the tracks while looking up at the stars. When I sat down the audience joined and also looked up. As they began to speak I joined them. The work became an informal discussion regarding an in-between space we were all hovering in through our shared location and time. I told them about the stars, we discussed the constant expansion of space, the reception we have of light; the way in which ‘what is’ cannot always be seen but in other aspects can be understood; how information accumulates and disperses the representation of humanity in the universe; hurtling through space. We talked about life: beginnings, middles, and ends.
I asked, “Where do you think we will be hundreds of billions of years from now?”
Audience answers: “Somewhere else,” “Exploded into space” and “Here, where we all are right now.”