first performed on May 8, 2015
Grace Exhibition Space, Brooklyn, NY
performed once in 2015
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Multiplicity cannot be reduced to a single dominant standard; however, the world is looked upon in terms of dichotomy—normativity versus non-normativity, “I” versus “others.” In this social paradox, without acknowledgment of otherness, social and personal standards are continuously established, and create the ignorance of otherness. Our cognition divides human events into macro/micro, society/family, public/private, whole/part, universal/unique, and so on. In this inconsistent social structure, I pay attention to the precariousness of conformity and the invisible tension aroused by dominance.
“50 Bulbs” consists of a performance event and installation—all of which grew out of the exploration of insecurity—and creates a precarious moment and space by active participations of the audience and materials considered to be fragile and delicate.
Fifty general bulbs are hung together from the center of the ceiling in a dark space. The performance is completed by the presence of a live audience. In the beginning of the performance, the performer hands over each bulb to the audience and lets them hold it for a while. This situation enhances the tension and emphasizes the insecurity of the space. The audience recognizes these tensions immediately, and this impacts how they act through the situation and engage with the performance work by throwing the bulbs to the performer.