first performed on November 22, 2014
Museo de la Ciudad de Querétaro, Querétaro, México
performed once in 2014
Lechedevirgen Trimegisto
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A hand-in-hand work where we deal with the harsh reality that our country is immersed—namely, Mexico—in an atmosphere of violence, impunity and death. This work is a tribute that recalls the recent tragedy that occurred in Ayotzinapa as evidence of a state crime that deprived 43 students’ lives.
Symbolically, we take the image of Christ and Magdalena to resignify a passion duet where pain and drama are protagonists to set in context the current situation in this country, where disappearances increase everyday and the society is paralyzed by the narco-state with cruelty. Uncertainty is a lifestyle that we as new generations reject; we demand justice.
“43 Shrouds” is an contemporary incarnation of the deaths made with traces of 43 imprints of our bloody faces carried out by the public as a registration. It is an installation in memoriam of those boys whose freedom and dreams were deprived.