first performed on October 25, 2014
On the walkway of the city wall, Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland
performed once in 2014
Essen, Germany
1 yellow rain jacket
1 mini harmonica
5 eggs
1 bucket full of water
1 jar
1 inflatable dolphin
The performance took place outside on the walkway of the city wall of Derry, Northern Ireland. The only light came from the street lamps. During the whole performance my face is turned away from the audience. With the yellow rain jacket I become more a kind of character than a human. My movements are slow and I change for each action the side of the walkway.
I lean against the wall and slowly blow into the mini harmonica till the sound gets really loud. From the right sleeve of my jacket three eggs fall on the ground. I gently move towards the bucket full of water. From the left sleeve I pour some water into the bucket until it overflows. Again with the right sleeve I let the other two eggs fall into the jar. I lay down and start to bang my head against the bucket till it tumbles over. With my right hand I reach for the jar and destroy it. I stand up and gently inflate the dolphin. While deflating the dolphin I slowly crouch. I put the dolphin down, stand up and disappear.
My intention was to research gestures, sign language and all kind of communications as an artistic and poetic vocabulary. The simplicity of the images and actions point to something beyond all layers of normal visual and perceptual mechanisms far away from their cultural coinages. Not only my character-like appearance but also the slow and determined movements became an emotional environment which touches memories and navigates between all kind of interpretations. With this performance I focused mainly on the creation of an intense situation, in a compressed and intimate but public space.