first performed on October 2, 2014
The Highest Closet, Beverly, MA
performed once in 2014
Austin, Texas
By engaging in the art of queer craft aesthetic, I hand-crafted my own version of a Wonder Woman costume. During the performance “They Wonder” I repeatedly spin around and around in circles until I fall down. I am interested in the repetitive action of spinning and getting nowhere, falling down and getting back up. This specific action of spinning comes from the Dara Birnbaum piece “Technology/Transformation: Wonder Woman (1978)” in which Birnbaum has wonder woman spin around and around.
“They Wonder” goes against the populist template of art as a form of leisure or entertainment. I am not a blockbuster artist. Claire Bishop states in Radical Museology that an artist must not bend to the pressures of commodification but rather, “that they mobilize the world of visual production to inspire the necessity of standing on the right side of history.” As a queer artist I seek to create a temporal historical rupture and point backwards to forms of historical queerness. Comic books have always revealed themes and characters that can be identified as queer, the majority of superheroes always live two lives, one as hero and one as civilian.
“They may not be worshipped, but they have not been forgotten, and that itself is a start.” —Wonder Woman