first performed on June 29, 2014
On the Mediaspree at “13.4.1981” by Olaf Metzel, Berlin, Germany
performed four times in 2014
Raegan Truax
Berlin, Germany / San Francisco, CA
“Access Exit” is a series of ten embodied interventions taking place at, on and around public sculptures from June 2014 to June 2015. The work questions how we access and exit public spaces, dialogues, historical context, memory, time, artistic practices, relationships, authorship and notions of monumentality.
“Access Exit I/X” was performed June 29, 2014 for 90 minutes by myself and my collaborator, Raegan Truax, in Berlin at “13.4.1981” by Olaf Metzel (1987).
“Access Exit II/X” was performed August 1, 2014 for three hours by myself at “Two concrete Cadillacs in form of the naked Maja” by Wolf Vostell (1987).
“Access Exit III/X” was performed September 3, 2014 for three hours by Raegan in San Francisco at “Vaillancourt Fountain” by Armand Vaillancourt (1971).
“Access Exit IV/X was performed October 26, 2014 for 90 minutes by myself at “Large Divided Oval: Butterfly” by Henry Moore (1987).
I continue alternating performances with Raegan until we reunite (physically) to create and perform the final six hour piece, “Access Exit X/X,” in June 2015.
By exchanging nine minute films and other physical materials from each three hour performance instead of verbally describing our performances to one another, we explicitly engage the gap between live performance and documentation and between our physical bodies as we collaborate to realize each layer of “Access Exit.”