first performed on May 31, 2014
Fourth Festival of Performance: Online / Offline, Prague, Czech Republic
performed once in 2014
New York City, US / Buenos Aires, Argentina / Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
“Krˇecˇe (convulsions)” is a performance that explores the appropriation of public spheres, the exclusion of individuals from society and the socio-economic forces that change urban landscapes. As I travelled through Eastern Europe in the summer of 2014, I found myself in places that reminded me of the crisis that afflicted Latin America when my family left in the eighties. Moving from Poland to Hungary and later to the Czech Republic served as an inspiration to revisit my own family history and to reflect on common issues that make human experiences universal. The actions that constitute “Krˇecˇe (convulsions)” led the observers to follow me from an open space, a crowded city street in Prague, to the empty hallways of a commercial gallery that had been left almost abandoned due to the European economic crisis of 2014. The performance took place during the peak hours when people were returning home from their work. Wearing a rustic suit made of “yute” (natural South American yarn), I lay inert on the floor for almost an hour. People went from indifferent pedestrians to worried citizens as they stopped to check what was going on or to observe the strange presence on the sidewalk. After an hour, I began to activate my body with slow butoh-like movements and proceeded to walk wearing a bunch of small goat hooves brought with me from Bolivia, that had been attached to my ankles as heels. The walk was hard because I had to make sure not to crush and cut myself with the sharp hooves. Once inside the hallway, I managed to undress, and burst several black balloons while inviting people to inflate white ones with colored confetti inside of them. The balloons burst on my body leaving their impact marks on me; the colored confetti started to melt and dye my skin. I blew and burst balloons until I could no longer breathe. End of the performance.