first performed on October 18, 2013
a dinner party in Boston, MA
performed once in 2013
“7 Page Paper” was conceived in response to a house lit with UV light. We are in the home office. I am standing at the desk, facing the printer with my back to the guests, who are seated on the bed or on chairs brought in from the dining room. The room is quiet and all is dark aside from what few things glow in UV light. The piece begins as I reach for a glowing sheet of copy paper from the printer feeder and lift it to the wall beside me. My gaze stays forward and away from where my arm takes the paper. I flatten the sheet against the wall with my hand along its four corners. I lift my palm and keep one finger pressing the paper to the wall. The page begins to spin and rock back and forth as I move my hand down along the wall. I can hear but not see the page slowly, then quickly, pinwheeling down, led by the pace and pause of my hand. The page eventually slides down and away from me onto the floor. I repeat this, one page (about one minute) for each guest.
The home office—with its computer, printer, pens, stapler, paper clips—for me represents the business side of the art life and the responsible, mundane side of adult life. Yet even such loudly functional objects, in their loudly functional spaces, can lead us to quietness and poetic contemplation.
All that exists, in nature and human creation, is ours for reflection. My mind finds rest and revelation in taking time to observe, listen, touch—with the purpose of exploring and not accomplishing. The base of my work comes from this intuitive and often sensory engagement with my surroundings. I am drawn to moments that are fleeting, and this engagement feeds my interdisciplinary practice of performance, installation, sculpture, collage and video.