first performed on October 12, 2013
Memorial Vale Minas Gerais Museum, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
performed twice in 2013
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The performance “Kiwo(man)” is an effective way in which I allow myself to cross the threshold of what is socially established. It’s a bodily, mental and spiritual metamorphosis into a “transgender” non-gender in which I wrap and form myself again, and my body becomes a “body other,” meta, multi, between, everything.
I stand in the space (a white, plastic walkway) waiting for the public. In the middle of the space, there is a bowl with two and a half kilograms of kiwifruit.
Gradually, I begin to deconstruct the initial image of myself that I first presented (black wig, dress, blouse, high heels with glitter, red lipstick, false eyelashes, double bra stuffed with newsprint). Meanwhile, I am also experimenting with different body’s possibilities, using the kiwifruit as testicles. In this game, I try to break certain stereotypes and social binaries. Then I start a “ritual” in which I crush the kiwis between my legs and initiate a symbolic, painful and pleasurable “green period.” The action is repeated several times. I get naked and continue to crush the fruit. The action reverberates in my whole body, as I crush the kiwis with my armpits, elbow joints, knees, neck and, finally, with my hands. The final image is my naked body in fetal position with all objects used as if they were “a fetus,” forming a belly that will give birth to this other being but that also dwells within me, that is me.
What most inspires me is the heteronormative society in which we live, a society that instills us with fear and guilt about our own body. I am inspired by the desire for transformation and reinvention against the prejudice and sexism that still governs Latin America and many parts of the world today, as well as the possibility for an identity in constant flow.