first performed on July 20, 2013
91 Broad St SW, Atlanta, GA
performed twice in 2013
Dashboard Co-op
Atlanta, GA
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The “No Vacancy” project paired us, Ben Coleman and Henry Detweiler, for three weeks in an abandoned, rat-infested former nightclub in downtown Atlanta.
The resulting work was an all-encompassing environmental and audio installation piece within which a durational performance occurred on the nights of the opening and closing of the exhibition, both activating and defining the installation. Visitors at the opening and closing “rituals” were invited to touch anything in the space and participate in the performance to the extent of their choosing. We placed control of the performance in their hands via a jukebox that we found abandoned in the basement of the club, which was gutted, polished and re-loaded with 100 identical CDs, each containing a playlist of remixes, re-edits and sample-based original compositions drawn from CDRs found in the club space, as well as some completely new on-site recordings.
A complex relationship between artists and space was forged: we cannot say for sure which ideas we imposed onto the space and which ideas were imposed upon us by our time within the space. As outside influences on our process diminished, the building became our own two story universe, and we rearranged the contents of the building to create a new lexicon of imagery and gestures that applied entirely to this universe. The complete work draws from our shared interest in science, science fiction, pseudoscience, astrophysics, pataphysics, time, space and magic.
We combined the installation and performance in order to isolate and open a wormhole in time and space, stretched between each end of the building, permitting actual time-travel back to the opening night of “No Vacancy” at approximately 11pm on July 20, 2013. We have also created a means by which to acquire infinite income from the exhibition by posting money to ourselves through the rift in space-time that was created at the opening: 100 moldy dollar bills removed straight from the heart of the Jukebox will be replicated indefinitely. We do this with an irreverent and careless disregard for many of the governing laws of physics and the threat of causal loops and other time-paradoxes, which, should they occur, will most likely be very interesting and fun for all concerned.
“No Vacancy” was presented by Dashboard Co-op.