first performed on May 17, 2013
Community Meeting Room, Brandywine Hundred Library, Wilmington, DE
performed once in 2013
Wilmington, DE
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“Management” was written to address how truth very many times depends on a person’s point of view. Hence the title refers to how people manage, cope or deal with things after the dust settles from an event.
Maurice, a blue collar everyman, finds himself charged with a murder he didn’t commit, while waiting for the bus to get home from work. So, now this three actor cast, Maurice, the accused, Delores, the Chief Detective and Kathleen, the Prosecuting Attorney, go back and forth trying to give their first person accounts of what actually happened. But, the true story unfolds as the actors take turns playing the witnesses and the Judge in each other’s recollections. So we (the audience) get to figure out who we believe while they (the characters) reveal how they managed or mismanaged the situation. The structure of the play is both audience address and scene work. Each character becomes a reliable or unreliable narrator of the events in seemingly a random order. We found that the tethering together of the facts holds the audience’s attention as they now have to work or “manage” all the information coming at them, as the play works toward its conclusion.
“Management” has no set and is totally dependent on the actors’ ability to (no pun intended) manage the text. Lighting is basic up and down. It can be put up just about anywhere. This play exposes us to how personal justifications about a topic or given circumstance can cause a communication breach. And thus, allow situations to spin out of control as people do all they can to protect their personal interests. It is an actor-dependent, character-driven, powerful play.