first performed full evening version on November 30, 2012
Kay Theatre, Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
performed twice in 2012
Aryna Petrashenko, Curt Seiss, Paul Jackson, Boris Willis
Washington, DC
“residue” is….
to be open and available
to past, present and potential future impulses
individual and layered
from deep within
and out in the air surrounding
as a hint of memory
as a remnant of image
as a whisper of feeling….
as a hint of what is perhaps to come
An improvisation-based performance project in two segments, “residue” is inspired by pentimento, an underlying trace image in a painting that has been covered over, reflecting the artist’s change of mind; and engram, the hypothetical way a memory is thought to be encoded in the brain.
A two-minute photo slideshow is continuously looped on nine iPads as a performance prelude, carefully cradled, displayed and offered to audience members and passersby throughout the theater lobby via chaperones. Like a memory stuck on repeat, drifting in and out of focus, a mysterious figure in white might be falling, or jumping, or both or neither.
A solo is performed live with spontaneous choices in movement, sound, lighting and costume unfolding each night, creating a unique experience with every viewing and embodiment. The visual landscape consists of a 25 foot-long trail of large-scale tracing paper initially dragged in from the audience to the stage, 12 pairs of shoes carefully aligned, a red purse and an elaborately elegant dress made almost entirely out of paper. The movement, landscape, costume and performer progressively de-construct, de-organize and de-compose over time. The performance evokes a temporal state of curiosity, discovery, loss, transience and revelation.