first performed on October 26, 2012
Sala Víctor Humareda, Centro Cultural de San Marcos, Lima, Perú
performed once in 2012
Vania Milanovitch, Raúl Mondragón, Jorge Luis Chamorro
Lima, Perú
It is a video-action that was created in the framework of the exhibition (EX)PULSIONES Curaduría de Convivencia, that worked around the symbolism of the bull, an animal of Spanish colonial origin, and integrated into the social and cultural sphere through the process of “mestizaje/syncretism.”
In this exhibition, I took the idea of the bull as a symbol of vital force, drawing a parallel between the animal and the human, reflecting on how education and socialization are repressive processes of this vital force.
The video shows a female character tied to the fence of a cowshed, dressed in a dark gray school uniform, which my generation and I wore for 12 years, performing the action of running forward vigorously and repeatedly.