first performed on April 28, 2012
Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, Portland, OR
performed once in 2012
Portland, OR
“But biologically, ultimately the only possibility for any species to survive is mutation. All species are doomed like all individuals, but the point is, can they change?”—William S. Burroughs
To be performed by three people:
0. dress in blaze orange jumpsuits and carry one wax head
1. start live stream
2. two performers encircle one performer mixing alginate powder with water
3. pour orange alginate from mix-bag onto head
4. strap six heads together to form a single unit
5. we all fall down
“HEAD_STRAP” was a five-minute long performance that started at 1:10pm PST on April 28, 2012 and was a part of the Low Lives 4 international festival of live performance. Video streams were transmitted via the internet and projected in real- time at multiple venues worldwide.
Collaboration, distance and death provide an ephemeral context for public performance. Jumpsuits, heads and straps come together to create a unification of a single form within the viewing frame. Once physically bound together by strap, the heads create a mitosis, and a human mutation is born.
FUTURE DEATH TOLL (F-DT) is an art-oriented collective that releases Creative Commons licensed audio and video online. The elusive group creates work circumventing the normal bounds that geography (namely museums and galleries but also physical media) imposes on an art form. F-DT works in the realm of collaborative technology-based performance art. Armed with modular synthesizers and projectors, and uniformed in blaze orange, F-DT is a throbbing mess of noise that eats technology and shits performance art.