first performed on January 31, 2012
The Elbow Room, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
performed six times in 2012
Chris Tanasescu, Jerome Rothenberg, Alec Schachner, Claudiu Komartin, Iulia Militaru, Felix Nicolau, Nguyen Tien Van, Anca Bucur, Grigore Negrescu, Costin Dumitrache, Valentin Baicu, Bogdan Bradu, Marina Gingirof, Cristina Budar, Raluca Tanasescu, Sergiu Nisioi
Bucharest, Romania / Paris, France / Encinitas, CA / Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
“Nomadosophy” (“Nomadosofia” in Romanian) is an open-frame, interdisciplinary performance involving (English and Romanian) poetry, music, live painting and projections. It is also the title of a collection of poems, Nomadosofia / Nomadosophy that was released in December, 2012 by Max Blecher Publishers, a book that the poets involved have contributed to, along with more than over 50 other international poets. The communal poem (assembled by Chris Tanasescu) has been developed according to the principles of mathematical graphs (which involved experimenting with digital poetry as well), and at the same time in the spirit of jam sessions. It is coauthored collectively as MARGENTO.
Besides the in-progress poetry of the Nomadosophy text, the performances have also included performance/sound poetry and verse improvisations. The poets have not only jammed with each other but also with musicians, painters, and graphic and video artists, most of them full-time members of MARGENTO. Although poetry has been the prime motivation of this project, the other artists and their medium have not limited themselves to illustrating or accompanying poetry, but have also participated fully in the performance as a whole, submerging themselves in a dialogic and poly-logic collaboration that was both planned in advance and developed live into always fresh and unexpected directions. As a result, the poetry book Nomadosophy shall be followed by a multimedia chronicle due in late 2013.
The show has been flexible in terms of lineup, as certain contributors performed in only one or a couple of venues, while other participated in it throughout the tour. Living poets and artists (who may have never heard of this project) as well as dead authors and performers from antiquity or modern times have been actively integrated into the work. This is part of MARGENTO’s poetics—implicating voices of here and there (into localized globalization), and of the past and the present (into a collaboratively shaped and personally foreshadowed future).