first performed on
May 23, 2011
Rachel Rosenthal’s eSpace, Los Angeles, CA
performed twice in 2011
Minneapolis, MN
This piece was a re-performance of something I had done in Los Angeles over the summer of 2011. I had been reading about lunar cycles in relation to leap year and how it related to ancient goddess worship in pagan mythologies. A majority of ancient deities that ruled the moon were female. Some of the most prominent thoughts in my mind were the things that are holding us back from progressing as women today. Some of them are political propaganda and some are ideals we set for ourselves.
I began the performance in a corset and tights only. The rope appears around my waist and I attempt to ready myself for the day by trying to apply makeup to my face and get dressed. With each failing attempt, the rope jerks me backward and a laugh track cuts in. My lipstick is smeared across my face, I slip and slide across the floor, reaching for the box of makeup, high heels, and lace gloves, but am continually yanked out of frame and laughed at. The piece is meant to be an open-ended question about the hand that is in control of this body at the end of the day.