emergency INDEX



General FAQ

Q: How can I help with this awesome project?
A: We donate our time, love, and labor to this project because we value the performance work we encounter through your submissions. If you want to help out, you can donate money, donate time, or help by curating/hosting an INDEX-themed event. At the very least, let people in your network and community know about the book. Ask your library to order it, and encourage performance-oriented organizations to carry it.
Q: Do you have any language I can use when I tell people about Emergency INDEX?
A: Sure!
"Emergency INDEX is a yearly, paper-based, durable document of the 'state of the field' of performance, based on 100s of actual performances made in one calendar year, all over the world. Published by Ugly Duckling Presse, INDEX has been surveying a broad spectrum of performance practice since 2011, and now features a new website with fully searchable archives."
Q: How can I get a free copy of Emergency INDEX?
A: See the FAQ for “How can I help with this awesome project?” Volunteers always receive a complimentary copy of the book.

FAQ about the website

Q: Why is the most recent volume of Emergency INDEX not online?
A: After a volume is published as a book, its contents will be made available online about one year later.
Q: How can I find my performance, I don’t see it anywhere!
A: The digital editors of Emergency INDEX are dedicated to making sure that everyone is represented on this digital archive as enthusiastically as possible. Use the search page to find yourself by beginning to type your name or the title of your project.
Q: What’s with this search page anyway, it doesn’t look like Google, why isn’t it Google? What is this?
A: The search page uses auto-complete as you type to generate search results according to the word/words you are typing. At the moment it is searching through the contributor name, location, and title of every project in Volumes 1-6 (2011-2016). We are working on expanding the search functionality of the site, feel free to help us by donating to our non-profit publisher Ugly Duckling Presse and tagging your tax-deductible donation for “INDEX WEBSITE.”
Q: How can I add my performance to Emergency INDEX?
A: The submission period for contributions generally begins in December and remains open for about a month. Please read the FAQ for submissions here before starting our submission form.
Q: I’m the contributor of a performance and there are errors on the page - what do I do?
A: You can fill out this form or post comments & join the conversation over at gitter.im/emergencyindex. Please note: only errors made by us can be corrected, and we will not be able to update or finesse your text unless there are significant errors that warrant this additional labor on our part.
Q: This website looks all wrong on my computer/machine/device/phone/flying machine - where do I complain?
A: All inquiries/complaints with regard to the website can be sent to emergency@uglyducklingpresse.org.